Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally!!! A fortune cookie thats not just a cute cookie.

I have to admit that I've been pretty skeptical about this whole fortune cookie thing since I've been getting so many empty ones. But this one I'd actually listen to... because it told me to listen to it.

"Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it."

I guess its time to look back at my past fortunes and analyse which ones I have actually profited by.
Day 1: You will have a long and healthy life. I don't know about me, since I'm pretty healthy but today I was able to recognize pneumonia in an older adult, which is impressive since its not always your run of the mill fever and cough. Its more of confusion, wet lung sounds and shakiness. She'll be fine, she went to the hospital.
Day 2: Be tactful; overlook not your own opportunity. Well today gave me a little bit of assessment and critical thinking practice. Its something interesting that I can talk about in my interview to personalize it and show more of my true self in an interview which is my great love and compassion for older people and my amazing assessment skills; which are top notch by the way. Once the older adult I mentioned is home from the hospital I might have the opportunity to care for her in her home which would be good experience.
Day 3: Sell your ideas; they are totally acceptable. Not only is this blog a good example of that but I have been giving advice to friends about how to better their lives just a little bit with diet, organization, motivation, among other things.
Day 5: The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. AND your future is as boundless as the lofty heaven. I know I stand in front of my future with so many ideas and values and ideals. But my life is filled with endless possibilities and I welcome it.
Day 6: You should be able to make money and hold onto it. I have been saving and being thrifty. I have also been trying to help my boyfriend save money too so that we can start our life together soon. I used to be a compulsive shopper, especially in thrift stores. But I recently went in and saw lots of things I would have liked to have but held them in my hand and logically talked myself out of buying it by recognizing that I had no need for that thing. Aren't you proud of me? I've been watching Hoarders on A&E.
Day 8: Your life will be happy and peaceful. I've been keeping to myself, being generous and asking for nothing in return. I want and simple and quiet life with my boyfriend and I want a pet rabbit and a quiet space to do yoga in every day.
Day 9: You will always be successful in your professional career. I have been my family's private nurse for sometime that every one comes to for questions and advice. I've taken care of family members and will continue to care for them. If I can do that, I will be successful in life. Of that I am sure.

Until tommorow fortune cookie... and no cheating next time.

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