Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, I've come this far...

Sorry folk, I've been so busy applying for jobs that I completely forgot to blog yesterday. It's been crazy, but I'll make this one extra special.

"Your everlasting patience will be rewarded sooner or later."

I have really tried to have so much patience and not loose hope while applying for jobs, even though I have not received any bites at all. However, a friend from school woke me up early this morning with a call telling me that she just got a job with hospice (which is exactly what I want to do.) She told me all about how this particular hospice was hiring new grads. I just need to keep hope in myself and keep praying.
The best thing about this opportunity is that it has patients in the same county I would like to live in. I just really hope that this patience will pay off and I will be rewarded with this particular job.

Until tomorrow...

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