Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And I was afraid this was a bad idea...

I must be going crazy!!! Well the mystery of the fortune cookies are starting to pick up a little and get more exciting. You're never going to believe me when I tell you. Remember yesterday how I said that I think too much about what others think of me? Well Fortune cookie number 3 had a rebuttal to that.

"Sell your ideas - they are totally acceptable."

I honestly could not believe my eyes when I read this. I laughed and said, "Thanks, fortune cookie!!" Actually I'm kidding, I didn't say that...but I was thinking it real hard.

Now I know what you're going to say. "It's just a stupid fortune cookie!! It has no wise input on the world. Nor does it actually have an opinion about what you are doing."
Well sheesh!! I know that. But I've realized that the act of opening up the fortune cookie has a moment of excitement. It's a simple pleasure, which I'm a big fan of.

I digress. I feel as though the luck of the draw has led me to be happy that I'm embarking on this humble journey. And I know that no one is reading this. I know this because my counter tells me NO ONE is reading this. Which is sad and pathetic on my part. But I'm going to persevere. I mean how many people do you know have done a year long pilgrimage? I only hear about it in books. The more I write the more this is like a diary of slow self discovery.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that fortune cookie approves. But the question is: Did it mean my ideas or ideals? Good question. I guess we'll find out together.

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