Friday, June 25, 2010

Ha!!! Take that, yesterday's empty cookie!!!

So even though I seriously had an AWFUL day (I DON'T even want to talk about it) it ended amazingly because I found out that I passed my NCLEX!!!!! Funny thing was that it was just a half hour ago that I found out and I went running through the house announcing to sleeping family members that I passed my NCLEX!!!! I even called my boyfriend and woke him up to tell him. I didn't even care about the argument we had earlier that evening.

So in celebration I toast to all of you and to me (for all the hard work) with today's fortune cookie!! Yes, I know what time it is, it only 2:30am. But I had to do something to celebrate. I wasn't about to go crack open a beer... and drink it by myself. That's lame. That's for tomorrow, or rather later on today. El Rio in SF...anyone? anyone.....?

Well at least open this cookie with me then!!! Geez!!

Heck yeah!!! Bonus cookie made up for the last one... 2 FORTUNES!!!!
And boy are they good ones!!!

"The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
"Your future is as boundless as the lofty heaven."

I have to say these are the most appropriately placed fortunes I have ever received. For all the people who didn't believe in me or doubted me for a second or thought ill of me, the first fortune is for you. Also to you melancholy doubters, I WILL work in hospice. You know how I know that? Because my future is as boundless as the lofty heaven!! That's why.
The first fortune reminds me of my childhood as well. One parent always told me I shouldn't strive for one thing or another because it was a "stupid goal" or "useless" or "inappropriate" or "a waste of time" the other parent was always very encouraging and has kept pushing me forward.
Did you know I used to want to be a painter and a poet and a rock star. Well those dreams were smashed, and I have an acoustic guitar sitting next to me collecting dust. I have an almost complete poetry book and an abandoned calligraphy set. Oh well.

None of those matter since I just completed my life long goal!!!! I have a career!!!! I feel bad for the people I know of that chickened out before their last semester.

I feel so amazingly free!!! I really want to go run in the street and shout (at 2:45am in the morning) in my pj's. I have such a lifetime of unending possibilities!!! But my overall goal is to eventually work in the Zen Hospice in San Francisco!!

Here I go world, about to change you, love you, make you better and more fulfilling...with fortune cookies and competent nursing care!!!


  1. Congrats to you on passing! I don't blame you for being excited and wanting to tell everyone.

  2. Sorry my ignorance what is the NCLEX? but well congrats however it seems a great achievement =D

    please follow=D I'm following you noooow.
