Monday, June 21, 2010

A fortune cookie everyday!!! Day 1

There's something about a fortune cookie that adds zest and sweetness to a moment and not just in terms of taste. What other food item can hold such a mystery in a moment... and the next moment makes you smile, giggle or contemplate on its message's meaning?

Tomorrow I start a new life, this is literally the moment I have been waiting for since I was a little girl growing up playing Barbies and Barbie had to go off to work. Alas, no, I do not start a new job; instead I take a test to get a special kind of license to be a registered nurse, called the NCLEX. 13 years of standardized tests, 4 years of nursing school at an accredited nursing university, 2 nursing review courses and literally 1000's of NCLEX practice questions have been preparing me for 1 test. Tomorrow determines my fate.

But enough about nursing gibber jabber (I could literally go on all day if you let me).
I want to savor every moment of this next year. I want to taste its delicate sweetness and discover that crisp loveliness. I want to contemplate and reflect on it and smile. Like a fortune cookie it won't let me down and won't disappoint me.

Fortune Cookie, make me smile!!!

"You will have a long and healthy life."

Somehow this is starting off disappointing. I expected something much more creative and intellectual. But I can definitely apply this to myself. I am a nurse, I take good care of my body and I think deeply about things. All healthy traits. I am romantically healthy as well. I've been in love with the same man for 6 years. We are kind and loving to each other and plan on marrying someday. I couldn't be happier with him.

If I were to compare myself to other young people in my age range (I'm 22) I would have to say that I am healthy in a social respect too. I am very down to earth, contemplative, friendly but don't mind being alone. I can always find something to do. I'm not on facebook or AIM every waking moment. I don't do drugs, don't drink excessively and don't engage in other dangerous acts of various sorts.

In a way it is satisfying since I would LOVE to be a little old lady (not so little - I'm almost 6 feet tall) and celebrate my 100th birthday!!! And be able to tell people how I voted for the first black president and when I was little I read these things made out of the rare substance paper and we called them books. "Lookie here sonnieboy I still have some here I stored away under this floorboard. But don't tell anyone, there's no telling what they're worth!!"

Until tomorrow Fortune Cookie!!

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