Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today is another unthrilling day, but at least I got a cookie for breakfast!!

So I set my alarm today in hopes of hopping out of bed and immediately starting my day. I went downstairs to hear that my little sister and her friend were making chocolate chip pancakes. So I grabbed a fortune cookie and ran down stairs to join them for breakfast. Before I started eating the delicious pancakes my sister so generously shared with me, I snapped open my cookie, only to find the following...

Absolutely Nothing!!!

There was no fortune and to tell you the truth I was incredibly sad. I mean this is day 4 of my great fortune cookie adventure and it was denied to me. I wasn't sure if this was fate or just a cheapo box of fortune cookies.

Of course this could be the day I make my own destiny. Well obviously I make my own destiny or I would not have just graduated college. No pseudo-Chinese cookie told me to do that.  And I KNOW I need to clean up around the house today. It could be that I'm just not going to have an exciting day. Who knows.

Either way it was rather un*fortune*ate...


  1. Somehow, I think I'd rather have no fortune than a bad fortune. I once got a fortune cookie that essentially told me that I was going to have a rotten day, and might as well stay inside for my own safety. At least this cookie wasn't actively wishing you harm.

  2. Hi Sarah!
    Thank you for visiting my blog, Kittens Come From Eggs. Have fun with your fortune cookies! :-)
